Modul Navigation Sven mit Kennzeichnung aktiver Seite

Beiträge: 130
Registriert: Mi 18. Sep 2002, 18:26

Modul Navigation Sven mit Kennzeichnung aktiver Seite

Beitrag von ekke » Mi 4. Dez 2002, 14:57

Hallo habe Svens Navmodul verändert.

Die aktive Seite oder Kategorie wird jetzt farblich gekennzeichnet:
Funktioniert auf op6 ie4-6 ns4-6 moz 1.1
Gruss ekke

Code: Alles auswählen

//if ("CMS_VALUE[6]" == "") {$VALUE[6] = "/";}
//if ("CMS_VALUE[7]" == "") {$VALUE[7] = ">";}

echo "<table align=\"left\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">";
// schrift start

echo "<tr valign=\"top\">";
echo "<td width=\"202\">".$mod["font"].":</td>";
echo "  <td><select name=\"CMS_VAR[0]\" size=\"1\">";
if ("CMS_VALUE[0]" != 0) {echo "<option value=\"0\">".$lngForm["nothing"]."</option>";
} else {
echo "<option value=\"0\" selected>".$lngForm["nothing"]."</option>";

for ($i=1; $i<=50; $i++) {if ( $i != "CMS_VALUE[0]" ) {
echo "<option value=\"$i\">Font $i</option>";} else {echo "<option value=\"$i\" selected>Font $i</option>";}}
echo "</SELECT></td></tr>";
// die2.

echo "<tr valign=\"top\">";
echo "<td width=\"202\">".$mod["font"]." active:</td>";
echo "  <td><select name=\"CMS_VAR[9]\" size=\"1\">";
if ("CMS_VALUE[9]" != 0) {echo "<option value=\"0\">".$lngForm["nothing"]."</option>";
} else {
echo "<option value=\"0\" selected>".$lngForm["nothing"]."</option>";

for ($i=1; $i<=50; $i++) {if ( $i != "CMS_VALUE[9]" ) {
echo "<option value=\"$i\">Font $i</option>";} else {echo "<option value=\"$i\" selected>Font $i</option>";}}
echo "</SELECT></td></tr>";

// schrift ende Anordnung neben/untereinander

echo "<tr><td valign=\"top\">Anordnung:</td>";
echo "<td><input type=\"radio\" name=\"CMS_VAR[1]\" value=\"\"";

if ("CMS_VALUE[1]" == "") {
echo "checked"

echo ">nacheinander<br><input type=\"radio\" name=\"CMS_VAR[1]\" value=\"0\"";
if ("CMS_VALUE[1]" == "0") {
echo "checked";

echo ">untereinander<br></tr><tr></tr><tr>";

// Sortierung

echo "<td valign=\"top\">Sortierung:</td>";
echo "<td><input type=\"radio\" name=\"CMS_VAR[8]\" value=\"title\"";

if("CMS_VALUE[8]" == "title") {
echo "checked";

echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"CMS_VAR[8]\" value=\"created\"";

if("CMS_VALUE[8]" == "created") {
echo "checked";

echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"CMS_VAR[8]\" value=\"lastmodified\"";
if("CMS_VALUE[8]" == "lastmodified") {
echo "checked";

echo">letzte Änderung<br>";
echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"CMS_VAR[8]\" value=\"idsidelang\"";

if("CMS_VALUE[8]" == "idsidelang" OR "CMS_VALUE[8]" == "") {
echo "checked";


// Gruppen oder Seiten

echo "<tr>";
echo "<td valign=\"top\">Kategorie:<br>mit Startseite?</td>";
echo " <td><input type=\"radio\" name=\"CMS_VAR[2]\" value=\"0\"";

if ("CMS_VALUE[2]" == "0") {
echo "checked";
// fjskdfjlsdkf
echo">Gruppen<br> <input type=\"radio\" name=\"CMS_VAR[2]\" value=\"\"";

if ("CMS_VALUE[2]" == "") {
echo "checked";

echo">Seiten <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"CMS_VAR[3]\" value=\"ja\"";

if ("CMS_VALUE[3]" == "ja") {
echo "checked";


echo " <select name=\"CMS_VAR[4]\" size=\"7\">";

if ("CMS_VALUE[4]" != 0) {
echo "<option value=\"0\">--- aktuell ---</option>";
} else {
echo "<option value=\"0\" selected>--- aktuell ---</option>";

$sql = "SELECT A.idcat, A.level, FROM $cfgTab_cat_tree AS A, $cfgTab_cat AS B, $cfgTab_cat_lang AS C WHERE A.idcat=B.idcat AND B.idcat=C.idcat AND C.idlang='$lang' AND B.idclient='$client' ORDER BY A.idtree";

while ($db->next_record()) {$spaces = "";
  for ($i=0; $i<$db->f("level"); $i++) {
  $spaces = $spaces . "    ";}

if ( $db->f("idcat") == "CMS_VALUE[4]") {
echo "<option value=\"".$db->f("idcat")."\" selected>$spaces ".$db->f("name")."</option>";} else {echo "<option value=\"".$db->f("idcat")."\">$spaces ".$db->f("name")."</option>";}
echo "  </select></td></tr><tr>";
echo "<td valign=\"top\">Bild für Trennzeichen:</td>";
echo "<td><select name=\"CMS_VAR[5]\" size=\"1\">";

if ("CMS_VALUE[5]" != 0) {
echo "<option value=\"0\">".$lngForm["nothing"]."</option>";
}  else {
echo "<option value=\"0\" selected>".$lngForm["nothing"]."</option>";

$sql = "SELECT * FROM $cfgTab_upl WHERE idclient='$client' AND filetype='img' ORDER BY filename";

while ($db->next_record()) {if ($db->f("idupl") != "CMS_VALUE[5]") {
echo "<option value=\"".$db->f("idupl")."\">".$db->f("filename")."</option>";
} else {
echo "<option value=\"".$db->f("idupl")."\" selected>".$db->f("filename")."</option>";}

echo "</SELECT></td></tr><tr>";
echo "<td valign=\"top\">alternativ Text:</td>";
echo "<td><input type=\"text\" size=\"1\" style=\"width:20px;\" name=\"CMS_VAR[6]\" value=\"$VALUE[6]CMS_VALUE[6]\">";
echo " und <input type=\"text\" size=\"1\" style=\"width:20px;\" name=\"CMS_VAR[7]\"value=\"$VALUE[7]CMS_VALUE[7]\">";
echo "</td></tr></table>";


if ("CMS_VALUE[8]" == "") {
$sortfield = "idsidelang";
} else {
$sortfield = "CMS_VALUE[8]";
if ("CMS_VALUE[4]" == 0) {
$navmod_id = $idcat;
} else {
$navmod_id = "CMS_VALUE[4]";
if ("CMS_VALUE[5]" != "0") {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $cfgTab_upl WHERE idupl='CMS_VALUE[5]'";$db->query($sql);$db->next_record();$navmod_img = "".$db->f("dirname")."/".$db->f("filename")."";}

if ($auth->auth["uid"] == "nobody"){
$pub = " AND C.public='1' ";
if ("CMS_VALUE[2]" == "") {if ("CMS_VALUE[3]" == "ja") {
$sql = "SELECT A.title AS title,A.idside AS idside,B.idcat AS idcat,C.parentid AS parentid FROM $cfgTab_side_lang AS A,$cfgTab_cat_side AS B,$cfgTab_cat AS C WHERE A.idside=B.idside AND B.idcat=C.idcat AND C.idclient='$client' AND B.idcat='$navmod_id' AND idlang='$lang' AND online='1' ORDER BY '$sortfield' ASC";

} else {

$sql = "SELECT A.title AS title,A.idside AS idside,B.idcat AS idcat,C.parentid AS parentid FROM $cfgTab_side_lang AS A,$cfgTab_cat_side AS B,$cfgTab_cat AS C WHERE A.idside=B.idside AND B.idcat=C.idcat AND C.idclient='$client' AND B.idcat='$navmod_id' AND idlang='$lang' AND online='1' AND is_start='0'";

} else {

$sql = "SELECT name AS title,A.idcat AS idcat,A.idtree AS idtree FROM $cfgTab_cat_tree AS A, $cfgTab_cat AS B, $cfgTab_cat_lang AS C WHERE A.idcat=B.idcat AND B.idcat=C.idcat AND B.idclient='$client' AND C.idlang='$lang' AND B.parentid='$navmod_id' AND C.visible='1' $pub ORDER BY A.idtree";


for ($i=0; $i<$db->num_rows(); $i++) {$db->next_record();

if ("CMS_VALUE[2]" == "") {
// für seiten
$navmod_link = "front_content.php?client=$client&lang=$lang&parent=$parent&subid=".$db->f("parentid")."&idcat=".$db->f("idcat")."&idside=".$db->f("idside")."";
}else {
$navmod_link = "front_content.php?client=$client&lang=$lang&parent=$parent&subid=".$db->f("idtree")."&idcat=".$db->f("idcat")."&idside=".$db->f("idside")."";

if ("CMS_VALUE[1]" == "") {if ($db->f("idside") != $idside) {
echo "<a href=\"".$sess->url("$navmod_link")."\" onMouseOver=\"on('".$db->f("title")."');return true;\" onMouseOut=\"off();return true;\" class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[0]\">".$db->f("title")."</a>";
} else {
echo "<span class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[9]\">".$db->f("title")."</span>";

if ("$i" != $db->num_rows()-1) {if (!"$navmod_img") {
echo " CMS_VALUE[6] ";
} else {
echo " <img src=\"$navmod_img\" border=\"0\"> ";
} else {
if ("$i" != $db->num_rows()-1) {if (!"$navmod_img") {
echo "CMS_VALUE[7] ";
} else {
echo "<img src=\"$navmod_img\" border=\"0\"> ";
if ("CMS_VALUE[2]" == "") {
if ($db->f("idside") != $idside) {
echo "<a href=\"".$sess->url("$navmod_link")."\" onMouseOver=\"on('".$db->f("title")."');return true;\" onMouseOut=\"off();return true;\" class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[0]\">".$db->f("title")."</a><br>";
} else {
echo "<span class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[9]\">".$db->f("title")."</span>";
}else {
if ($db->f("idcat") != $idcat){
if ($db->f("idside") != $idside) {
echo "<a href=\"".$sess->url("$navmod_link")."\" onMouseOver=\"on('".$db->f("title")."');return true;\" onMouseOut=\"off();return true;\" class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[0]\">".$db->f("title")."</a><br>";
} else {
echo "<span class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[9]\">".$db->f("title")."</span><br>";
echo "<span class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[9]\">".$db->f("title")."</span><br>";}

} else {
 if (!"$navmod_img") {
 echo "CMS_VALUE[7] ";
 } else {
 echo "<img src=\"$navmod_img\" border=\"0\"> ";
if ("CMS_VALUE[2]" == "") {
if ($db->f("idside") != $idside) {
echo "<a href=\"".$sess->url("$navmod_link")."\" onMouseOver=\"on('".$db->f("title")."');return true;\" onMouseOut=\"off();return true;\" class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[0]\">".$db->f("title")."</a>";
} else {
echo "<span class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[9]\">".$db->f("title")."</span>";
}else {
if ($db->f("idcat") != $idcat){
if ($db->f("idside") != $idside) {
echo "<a href=\"".$sess->url("$navmod_link")."\" onMouseOver=\"on('".$db->f("title")."');return true;\" onMouseOut=\"off();return true;\" class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[0]\">".$db->f("title")."</a>";
} else {
echo "<span class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[9]\">".$db->f("title")."</span>";
echo "<span class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[9]\">".$db->f("title")."</span>";}


Beiträge: 113
Registriert: Fr 20. Sep 2002, 12:24
Wohnort: Karlsruhe

Beitrag von JUG » Do 23. Jan 2003, 13:20

Habes ausprobiert - bei mir akzeptiert es die Schriftart "Normalzustand" nicht und bei "Anordnung untereinander" ist mir augefallen, dass die Einträge nur untereinander erscheinen, wenn sie umgebrochen werden, da müsste meines Erachtens ein <tr><td>...</td></tr> für jede Zeile hin.


Beiträge: 276
Registriert: Di 17. Sep 2002, 18:25

Beitrag von Björn » Do 23. Jan 2003, 14:10

Meine güte Ekke, bist Du neuerdings arbeitslos? Du hast ja einen unglaublichen output die letzte Zeit... :mrgreen:


Beiträge: 130
Registriert: Mi 18. Sep 2002, 18:26

Beitrag von ekke » Do 23. Jan 2003, 15:39

nein, im Gegenteil, deshalb der hohe Output. :D
Außerdem arbeite ich an den Projekten nicht allein, mit mir das ganze Netzwerk in Hamburg und München.
Aus "Langeweile" bzw. FE mache ich nur die PDF- Geschichten oder dynamische Flashseiten auf dem Server, da haben wir noch niemanden, die/der das begreift und haben möchte.

Sobald wir das Arbeitsvolumen nicht mehr schaffen, wird das Netzwerk schnell erweitert. Ich freue mich schon drauf.

Gruss ekke

Beiträge: 130
Registriert: Mi 18. Sep 2002, 18:26

Beitrag von ekke » Mo 3. Feb 2003, 18:14

so müßte es gehen:

Code: Alles auswählen

//if ("CMS_VALUE[6]" == "") {$VALUE[6] = "/";}
//if ("CMS_VALUE[7]" == "") {$VALUE[7] = ">";}

echo "<table align=\"left\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">";
// schrift start

echo "<tr valign=\"top\">";
echo "<td width=\"202\">".$mod["font"].":</td>";
echo "  <td><select name=\"CMS_VAR[0]\" size=\"1\">";
if ("CMS_VALUE[0]" != 0) {echo "<option value=\"0\">".$lngForm["nothing"]."</option>";
} else {
echo "<option value=\"0\" selected>".$lngForm["nothing"]."</option>";

for ($i=1; $i<=50; $i++) {if ( $i != "CMS_VALUE[0]" ) {
echo "<option value=\"$i\">Font $i</option>";} else {echo "<option value=\"$i\" selected>Font $i</option>";}}
echo "</SELECT></td></tr>";
// die2.

echo "<tr valign=\"top\">";
echo "<td width=\"202\">".$mod["font"]." active:</td>";
echo "  <td><select name=\"CMS_VAR[9]\" size=\"1\">";
if ("CMS_VALUE[9]" != 0) {echo "<option value=\"0\">".$lngForm["nothing"]."</option>";
} else {
echo "<option value=\"0\" selected>".$lngForm["nothing"]."</option>";

for ($i=1; $i<=50; $i++) {if ( $i != "CMS_VALUE[9]" ) {
echo "<option value=\"$i\">Font $i</option>";} else {echo "<option value=\"$i\" selected>Font $i</option>";}}
echo "</SELECT></td></tr>";

// schrift ende Anordnung neben/untereinander

echo "<tr><td valign=\"top\">Anordnung:</td>";
echo "<td><input type=\"radio\" name=\"CMS_VAR[1]\" value=\"\"";

if ("CMS_VALUE[1]" == "") {
echo "checked"

echo ">nacheinander<br><input type=\"radio\" name=\"CMS_VAR[1]\" value=\"0\"";
if ("CMS_VALUE[1]" == "0") {
echo "checked";

echo ">untereinander<br></tr><tr></tr><tr>";

// Sortierung

echo "<td valign=\"top\">Sortierung:</td>";
echo "<td><input type=\"radio\" name=\"CMS_VAR[8]\" value=\"title\"";

if("CMS_VALUE[8]" == "title") {
echo "checked";

echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"CMS_VAR[8]\" value=\"created\"";

if("CMS_VALUE[8]" == "created") {
echo "checked";

echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"CMS_VAR[8]\" value=\"lastmodified\"";
if("CMS_VALUE[8]" == "lastmodified") {
echo "checked";

echo">letzte Änderung<br>";
echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"CMS_VAR[8]\" value=\"idsidelang\"";

if("CMS_VALUE[8]" == "idsidelang" OR "CMS_VALUE[8]" == "") {
echo "checked";


// Gruppen oder Seiten

echo "<tr>";
echo "<td valign=\"top\">Kategorie:<br>mit Startseite?</td>";
echo " <td><input type=\"radio\" name=\"CMS_VAR[2]\" value=\"0\"";

if ("CMS_VALUE[2]" == "0") {
echo "checked";
// fjskdfjlsdkf
echo">Gruppen<br> <input type=\"radio\" name=\"CMS_VAR[2]\" value=\"\"";

if ("CMS_VALUE[2]" == "") {
echo "checked";

echo">Seiten <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"CMS_VAR[3]\" value=\"ja\"";

if ("CMS_VALUE[3]" == "ja") {
echo "checked";


echo " <select name=\"CMS_VAR[4]\" size=\"7\">";

if ("CMS_VALUE[4]" != 0) {
echo "<option value=\"0\">--- aktuell ---</option>";
} else {
echo "<option value=\"0\" selected>--- aktuell ---</option>";

$sql = "SELECT A.idcat, A.level, FROM $cfgTab_cat_tree AS A, $cfgTab_cat AS B, $cfgTab_cat_lang AS C WHERE A.idcat=B.idcat AND B.idcat=C.idcat AND C.idlang='$lang' AND B.idclient='$client' ORDER BY A.idtree";

while ($db->next_record()) {$spaces = "";
  for ($i=0; $i<$db->f("level"); $i++) {
  $spaces = $spaces . "    ";}

if ( $db->f("idcat") == "CMS_VALUE[4]") {
echo "<option value=\"".$db->f("idcat")."\" selected>$spaces ".$db->f("name")."</option>";} else {echo "<option value=\"".$db->f("idcat")."\">$spaces ".$db->f("name")."</option>";}
echo "  </select></td></tr><tr>";
echo "<td valign=\"top\">Bild für Trennzeichen:</td>";
echo "<td><select name=\"CMS_VAR[5]\" size=\"1\">";

if ("CMS_VALUE[5]" != 0) {
echo "<option value=\"0\">".$lngForm["nothing"]."</option>";
}  else {
echo "<option value=\"0\" selected>".$lngForm["nothing"]."</option>";

$sql = "SELECT * FROM $cfgTab_upl WHERE idclient='$client' AND filetype='img' ORDER BY filename";

while ($db->next_record()) {if ($db->f("idupl") != "CMS_VALUE[5]") {
echo "<option value=\"".$db->f("idupl")."\">".$db->f("filename")."</option>";
} else {
echo "<option value=\"".$db->f("idupl")."\" selected>".$db->f("filename")."</option>";}

echo "</SELECT></td></tr><tr>";
echo "<td valign=\"top\">alternativ Text:</td>";
echo "<td><input type=\"text\" size=\"1\" style=\"width:20px;\" name=\"CMS_VAR[6]\" value=\"$VALUE[6]CMS_VALUE[6]\">";
echo " und <input type=\"text\" size=\"1\" style=\"width:20px;\" name=\"CMS_VAR[7]\"value=\"$VALUE[7]CMS_VALUE[7]\">";
echo "</td></tr></table>";


if ("CMS_VALUE[8]" == "") {
$sortfield = "idsidelang";
} else {
$sortfield = "CMS_VALUE[8]";
if ("CMS_VALUE[4]" == 0) {
$navmod_id = $idcat;
} else {
$navmod_id = "CMS_VALUE[4]";
if ("CMS_VALUE[5]" != "0") {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $cfgTab_upl WHERE idupl='CMS_VALUE[5]'";$db->query($sql);$db->next_record();$navmod_img = "".$db->f("dirname")."/".$db->f("filename")."";}

if ($auth->auth["uid"] == "nobody"){
$pub = " AND C.public='1' ";
if ("CMS_VALUE[2]" == "") {if ("CMS_VALUE[3]" == "ja") {
$sql = "SELECT A.title AS title,A.idside AS idside,B.idcat AS idcat,C.parentid AS parentid FROM $cfgTab_side_lang AS A,$cfgTab_cat_side AS B,$cfgTab_cat AS C WHERE A.idside=B.idside AND B.idcat=C.idcat AND C.idclient='$client' AND B.idcat='$navmod_id' AND idlang='$lang' AND online='1' ORDER BY '$sortfield' ASC";

} else {

$sql = "SELECT A.title AS title,A.idside AS idside,B.idcat AS idcat,C.parentid AS parentid FROM $cfgTab_side_lang AS A,$cfgTab_cat_side AS B,$cfgTab_cat AS C WHERE A.idside=B.idside AND B.idcat=C.idcat AND C.idclient='$client' AND B.idcat='$navmod_id' AND idlang='$lang' AND online='1' AND is_start='0'";

} else {

$sql = "SELECT name AS title,A.idcat AS idcat,A.idtree AS idtree FROM $cfgTab_cat_tree AS A, $cfgTab_cat AS B, $cfgTab_cat_lang AS C WHERE A.idcat=B.idcat AND B.idcat=C.idcat AND B.idclient='$client' AND C.idlang='$lang' AND B.parentid='$navmod_id' AND C.visible='1' $pub ORDER BY A.idtree";

// start Pfeil

for ($i=0; $i<$db->num_rows(); $i++) {$db->next_record();
if ($db->f("idside") == $idside){$ihabdich = $i;

for ($i=0; $i<$db->num_rows(); $i++) {$db->next_record();
if ($i == $ihabdich -1){
$navmod_link_prev = "front_content.php?client=$client&lang=$lang&parent=$parent&subid=".$db->f("parentid")."&idcat=".$db->f("idcat")."&idside=".$db->f("idside")."";
$navmod_link_prev_title = $db->f("title");
if ($i == $ihabdich +1){
$navmod_link_next = "front_content.php?client=$client&lang=$lang&parent=$parent&subid=".$db->f("parentid")."&idcat=".$db->f("idcat")."&idside=".$db->f("idside")."";
$navmod_link_next_title = $db->f("title");


for ($i=0; $i<$db->num_rows(); $i++) {$db->next_record();

if ("CMS_VALUE[2]" == "") {
// für seiten
$navmod_link = "front_content.php?client=$client&lang=$lang&parent=$parent&subid=".$db->f("parentid")."&idcat=".$db->f("idcat")."&idside=".$db->f("idside")."";
}else {
$navmod_link = "front_content.php?client=$client&lang=$lang&parent=$parent&subid=".$db->f("idtree")."&idcat=".$db->f("idcat")."&idside=".$db->f("idside")."";

if ("CMS_VALUE[1]" == "") {if ($db->f("idside") != $idside) {
echo "<a href=\"".$sess->url("$navmod_link")."\" onMouseOver=\"on('".$db->f("title")."');return true;\" onMouseOut=\"off();return true;\" class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[0]\">".$db->f("title")."</a>";
} else {
echo "<span class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[9]\">".$db->f("title")."</span>";

if ("$i" != $db->num_rows()-1) {if (!"$navmod_img") {
echo " CMS_VALUE[6] ";
} else {
echo " <img src=\"$navmod_img\" border=\"0\"> ";
} else {
if ("$i" != $db->num_rows()-1) {if (!"$navmod_img") {
echo "CMS_VALUE[7] ";
} else {
echo "<img src=\"$navmod_img\" border=\"0\"> ";
if ("CMS_VALUE[2]" == "") {
if ($db->f("idside") != $idside) {
echo "<a href=\"".$sess->url("$navmod_link")."\" onMouseOver=\"on('".$db->f("title")."');return true;\" onMouseOut=\"off();return true;\" class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[0]\">".$db->f("title")."</a><br>";
} else {
echo "<span class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[9]\">".$db->f("title")."</span><br>";
}else {
if ($db->f("idcat") != $idcat){
if ($db->f("idside") != $idside) {
echo "<a href=\"".$sess->url("$navmod_link")."\" onMouseOver=\"on('".$db->f("title")."');return true;\" onMouseOut=\"off();return true;\" class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[0]\">".$db->f("title")."</a><br>";
} else {
echo "<span class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[9]\">".$db->f("title")."</span><br>";
echo "<span class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[9]\">".$db->f("title")."</span><br>";}

} else {
 if (!"$navmod_img") {
 echo "CMS_VALUE[7] ";
 } else {
 echo "<img src=\"$navmod_img\" border=\"0\"> ";
if ("CMS_VALUE[2]" == "") {
if ($db->f("idside") != $idside) {
echo "<a href=\"".$sess->url("$navmod_link")."\" onMouseOver=\"on('".$db->f("title")."');return true;\" onMouseOut=\"off();return true;\" class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[0]\">".$db->f("title")."</a>";
} else {
echo "<span class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[9]\">".$db->f("title")."</span>";
}else {
if ($db->f("idcat") != $idcat){
if ($db->f("idside") != $idside) {
echo "<a href=\"".$sess->url("$navmod_link")."\" onMouseOver=\"on('".$db->f("title")."');return true;\" onMouseOut=\"off();return true;\" class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[0]\">".$db->f("title")."</a>";
} else {
echo "<span class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[9]\">".$db->f("title")."</span>";
echo "<span class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[9]\">".$db->f("title")."</span>";}

//if ($db->num_rows() != 0 & "CMS_VALUE[0]" != 0 &$i == 0 ) {
if ($navmod_link_prev != "") {
echo "<br><br><a href=\"".$sess->url("$navmod_link_prev")."\" onMouseOver=\"on('".$navmod_link_prev_title."');return true;\" onMouseOut=\"off();return true;\" class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[0]\">zurück</a>";
}else{echo "<br><br><img src=\"img_site/space.gif\" width=\"40\" height=\"1\" border=\"0\">";
//echo"<img src=\"img_site/space.gif\" width=\"10\" height=\"1\" border=\"0\">";

// if ($db->num_rows() != 0 & "CMS_VALUE[0]" != 0 &$i == $db->num_rows()-1) {
echo "<img src=\"img_site/space.gif\" width=\"10\" height=\"1\" border=\"0\">";
if ($navmod_link_next != "") {
echo "<a href=\"".$sess->url("$navmod_link_next")."\" onMouseOver=\"on('".$navmod_link_next_title."');return true;\" onMouseOut=\"off();return true;\" class=\"fontCMS_VALUE[0]\">weiter</a>";
}else{//echo "<img src=\"img_site/space.gif\" width=\"10\" height=\"1\" border=\"0\">";



Beiträge: 113
Registriert: Fr 20. Sep 2002, 12:24
Wohnort: Karlsruhe

Beitrag von JUG » Mi 5. Feb 2003, 01:15

Habs getestet, aber der Schriftdefinition wird im Frontend leider keine Beachtung geschenkt und wozu ist der Link "weiter"? Hast du vielleicht was verwechselt?


Beiträge: 1242
Registriert: Do 19. Sep 2002, 14:41
Wohnort: Dichtelbach

Beitrag von idea-tec » Mi 5. Feb 2003, 06:25

wäre es möglich, dass du die ausgewälte schriftdefinition in der styles.css gar nicht hast?
MfG, Karsten
Nicht Können bedeutet nicht, dass man etwas nicht beherrscht, sondern lediglich, dass man sich nicht traut es zu tun ;-)
| Internet | Ihr Logo deutschlandweit auf T-Shirts |
Diplomatie: Jemanden so in die Hölle zu schicken, dass er sich auf die Reise freut!!! ;-)

Beiträge: 130
Registriert: Mi 18. Sep 2002, 18:26

Beitrag von ekke » Mi 5. Feb 2003, 08:57

oh das ist schon die nächste Version, da habe ich noch automatische weiter und zurück Links drin, sollte noch gar nicht hier hinein, da noch nicht in allen Fällen gestestet. Aber könnt Ihr ja machen. Sonst gerade auskommentieren.

Gruss ekke

Beiträge: 113
Registriert: Fr 20. Sep 2002, 12:24
Wohnort: Karlsruhe

Beitrag von JUG » Mi 5. Feb 2003, 12:03

Die Schriften sind vorhanden, ich habe sie ja auch mit dem alten Navigationsmodul 3.0 vom Sven benutzt. Wenn ich Navi 3.0 wieder reinpaste, funzen die Schriftarten wieder.

Das mit dem "weiter" verstehe ich logisch noch nicht Bild

Beiträge: 130
Registriert: Mi 18. Sep 2002, 18:26

Beitrag von ekke » Mi 5. Feb 2003, 16:56


<-zurück Seite1 / Seite2 / Seite 3 / weiter->
sonst kommentier es aus.

Gruss ekke
