PHP5.6 Problem functions.mod_rewrite

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Registriert: Do 10. Mär 2011, 17:02
Wohnort: Erlangen

PHP5.6 Problem functions.mod_rewrite

Beitrag von sarronsarron » Mo 11. Apr 2016, 08:24


ich musste am Wochenende bei 1und1 auf PHP5.6 umsteigen. Seitdem bekomme ich folgende Fehlermeldung:

Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /homepages/xx/xxx/htdocs/contenido/plugins/mod_rewrite/includes/functions.mod_rewrite.php on line 510

Da liegt an folgendem:

// IE hack with wrong base href interpretation
$code = preg_replace("/([\"|\'|=])upload\/(.?|.+?)([\"|\'|>])/ie", "stripslashes('\\1{$sBaseUri}upload/\\2\\3')", $code);

Nachdem ich die Zeile auskommentiert habe läuft es wieder. Ich weis aber nich was das auskommentieren beim IE bewirkt.

Habt ihr schon Abhilfe?

Dank im Voraus

Beiträge: 4257
Registriert: Do 30. Jun 2005, 22:56
Wohnort: Eltmann, Unterfranken, Bayern

Re: PHP5.6 Problem functions.mod_rewrite

Beitrag von Oldperl » Mo 11. Apr 2016, 09:05


updaten auf die aktuellste 4.8er. Im dort enthaltenen AMR-Plugin ist der Fehler gefixt. Wobei die 4.8er generell nicht mehr überall zu 100% kompatibel mit PHP grösser 5.4 ist. Oder Upgrade auf 4.9. Falls das nicht geht schreib mir einfach eine PN.

Gruß aus Franken

ConLite 2.1, alternatives und stabiles Update von Contenido 4.8.x unter PHP 7.x - Download und Repo auf
phpBO Search Advanced - das Suchwort-Plugin für CONTENIDO 4.9
Mein Entwickler-Blog

Beiträge: 251
Registriert: Do 10. Mär 2011, 17:02
Wohnort: Erlangen

Re: PHP5.6 Problem functions.mod_rewrite

Beitrag von sarronsarron » Mo 11. Apr 2016, 16:22


habe im Moment 4.8.18 installiert. Ist der Bug dann bei 4.8.20 weg?

Ist ein Update auf 4.9.xx aufwendig oder so zu realisieren wie bei den alten Updates?

Gruß sarronsarron

Beiträge: 1851
Registriert: Di 28. Mär 2006, 11:55
Wohnort: Mönchengladbach

Re: PHP5.6 Problem functions.mod_rewrite

Beitrag von rethus » Mo 11. Apr 2016, 18:06

Auf 4.8.20 solltest du mindestens auf jeden Fall updaten.
Das Update ist unproblematisch und fixt einige Sicherheitslücken.

Upgrade auf 4.9 ist um einiges aufwendiger als die 4.8er, da sich von 4.8 auf 4.9 eingies getan hat, und z.B. die DB auf UTF-8 geswitcht werden muss (was nicht ganz trivial ist, da auch die Inhalte konvertiert werden müssen).
Could I help you... you can help me... buy me a coffee . (vielen ❤ Dank an: Seelauer, Peanut, fauxxami ) - HighSpeed Hosting, Domains, DomainReselling, Linux-Administration - App-Programierung, High-Performance-Webpages, MicroServices, API-Anbindungen & Erstellung

Software... ein Blick wert: GoogleCalender Eventlist, xst_dynamic_contentType

Beiträge: 251
Registriert: Do 10. Mär 2011, 17:02
Wohnort: Erlangen

Re: PHP5.6 Problem functions.mod_rewrite

Beitrag von sarronsarron » Mo 11. Apr 2016, 18:08


gibt es da ev. eine gute Anleitung?

Gruß sarronsarron

Beiträge: 4257
Registriert: Do 30. Jun 2005, 22:56
Wohnort: Eltmann, Unterfranken, Bayern

Re: PHP5.6 Problem functions.mod_rewrite

Beitrag von Oldperl » Mo 11. Apr 2016, 18:52

rethus hat geschrieben:Auf 4.8.20 solltest du mindestens auf jeden Fall updaten.
Das Update ist unproblematisch...
Korrekt... :)
rethus hat geschrieben:...und fixt einige Sicherheitslücken.
Sicher? :shock:
Welche? :?:
sarronsarron hat geschrieben:gibt es da ev. eine gute Anleitung?
Immer noch gerne genommen für 4.8.x :arrow: ... mandanten/
Für 4.9 gibt es etwas in der Richtung hier :arrow: ... sanleitung
Das kann aber, wie rethus schon richtig bemerkte, ziemlich zeit- und kostenintensiv werden/sein, je nachdem wie viele Module und Plugins, bzw Custom-Funktionen, angepasst werden müssen. Daher benutze ich dazu meinen eigenen 4.8er Fork (siehe Signatur), der mir einen schrittweisen Übergang zur 4.9er ermöglicht.

Gruß aus Franken

ConLite 2.1, alternatives und stabiles Update von Contenido 4.8.x unter PHP 7.x - Download und Repo auf
phpBO Search Advanced - das Suchwort-Plugin für CONTENIDO 4.9
Mein Entwickler-Blog

Beiträge: 251
Registriert: Do 10. Mär 2011, 17:02
Wohnort: Erlangen

Re: PHP5.6 Problem functions.mod_rewrite

Beitrag von sarronsarron » Mo 11. Apr 2016, 19:00


wollte 4.9.9 mal auf meinem localem System installieren und muss vorher erst xampp für die PHP version 5.6 updaten.

Danach werde ich das Update mal local probieren.

Gruß sarronsarron

Beiträge: 1851
Registriert: Di 28. Mär 2006, 11:55
Wohnort: Mönchengladbach

Re: PHP5.6 Problem functions.mod_rewrite

Beitrag von rethus » Di 12. Apr 2016, 09:04

Oldperl hat geschrieben:
rethus hat geschrieben:...und fixt einige Sicherheitslücken.
Sicher? :shock:
Welche? :?:
In der Changenlog einfach mal nach "security" suchen. (Siehe unten)
Zudem wurden im Changelog einige Dinge aufgeführt, die zwar nicht wörtlich als Sicherheitspatch deklariert sind, aber maßgeblich zur Sicherheit beitragen... einfach mal durchschmökern.

Übrigens sind solche Lücken ggf. auch im Netz bereits auf Exploits-Listen... wie hier:

XSS- Sicherheitslücken in 4.8.12:

Daher ist ein Upgrade immer zu empfehlen... auch wenn es erstmal nur auf eine weitere Minor-Version ist. Besser ein wenig mehr absichern, als garnicht. :lol:
Release 4.8.20

** Bug
* [CON-1658] - Multiple issues with scroll properties in IE 11
* [CON-1679] - Inuse entries are not proper removed
* [CON-1730] - Tinymce does not work in IE 11
* [CON-1807] - Encoding problems in the subnav of 4.8
* [CON-1811] - Auto generated Metatags are not valid

** Task
* [CON-1762] - Update copyright year

Release 4.8.19

** Bug
* [CON-812] - Typo in include.newsletter_edit_message.php
* [CON-896] - Problems with database names containing hyphen
* [CON-898] - Content allocation and user rights
* [CON-921] - CMS_TEASER: Encoding issue with umlauts in title
* [CON-926] - Embedding SWF files via DBFS
* [CON-937] - i18n: Remove the backslash from double quotes in translation strings
* [CON-939] - Error in search class if db search option is set to 'like' or 'exact'
* [CON-942] - Language update fails for languages not assigned to the current client
* [CON-950] - Misssing "Use WYSIWYG Editor" setting in MyContenido area
* [CON-1006] - Locking Tables
* [CON-1039] - Multiple primary key warnings in setup
* [CON-1041] - Different field lengths in tables.txt
* [CON-1097] - Usage of MySQL/MySQLi extensions in setup
* [CON-1101] - Url to clients directory won't be detected as frontend urls
* [CON-1167] - Article search in backend is broken
* [CON-1178] - AMR should use REDIRECT_URL and REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING instead of REQUEST_URI if set
* [CON-1220] - Missing host causes problems getting update notifier files
* [CON-1225] - Article ID in AMR plugin is searched for all languages in some cases
* [CON-1332] - When database connection encoding is empty, an other value is displayed in disabled select box
* [CON-1381] - Setup: Remove usage of cHTMLAlphaImage (IE alpha filter)
* [CON-1442] - Rework category renaming logic (action str_renamecat)
* [CON-1457] - Convert letters with accents & umlauts to ascii equivalents
* [CON-1462] - Fix magic_quotes_gpc handling in
* [CON-1466] - Change Password Function deactives non-shown Checkbox Use WYSIWYG Editor
* [CON-1499] - Tricky problem with wrong php syntax at module input / output
* [CON-1525] - Fix retrieving of value for settings having value '0' or empty string ''
* [CON-1537] - Replace deprecated ereg_replace, eregi_replace, split and spliti
* [CON-1558] - Layout problems in setupscreen at step additional plugins
* [CON-1565] - ActiveUsers: Syntax error in sql statement
* [CON-1570] - Two wrong links at German example client
* [CON-1571] - Setup does not find MySQL table con_mod_history
* [CON-1573] - User can change articletemplate for frozen article if no template is selected
* [CON-1574] - Fixed wrong translations with single i18n quotes at templates
* [CON-1627] - Missing idart in stats leads to wrong URLs

** Improvement
* [CON-899] - Add support for configurable document extensions in CMS_LINKEDIT
* [CON-938] - Make usage of Search class in module Search_Output configurable
* [CON-1266] - AMR: URLs to lowercase
* [CON-1459] - Setting for ImageMagic usage
* [CON-1482] - Make session lifetime configurable
* [CON-1498] - Setup: Add support for typing host + socket for DB connection
* [CON-1621] - Simplify code to get subnavigations in all subnav includes

** New Feature
* [CON-813] - Add support to set default charset for PHP and Database
* [CON-1184] - AMR Plugin in Content Area

** Task
* [CON-914] - Set mysqli as default database extension
* [CON-915] - Add more configurable filetypes to CMS_LINKEDIT
* [CON-1197] - AMR Plugin empty aliases check
* [CON-1389] - Remove usage of deprecated preg_replace modifier /e
* [CON-1447] - Replace usage of escapeshellcmd() against escapeshellarg()

Release 4.8.18
** Bug
* [CON-354] - PHP-Error in Area Modul-Package if css/js/tpl-dir not exists
* [CON-371] - No reset of template object in some example client modules
* [CON-374] - Newsletter encoding is ignored due to wrong parameter values
* [CON-381] - Various bugs in versioning feature
* [CON-385] - Fallback login page does not work
* [CON-401] - Check reported issue with synchronization of renamed/deleted upload folder via FTP
* [CON-404] - Missing dbfs URL creation in CMS type CMS_IMG
* [CON-471] - Display problem with headline in language creation
* [CON-496] - Menu frame in tab "Logs" contains image for left frame
* [CON-608] - No fallback for username if real name is not entered
* [CON-609] - Unnecessary "," in online user display on dashboard
* [CON-676] - Single table head of article specifications
* [CON-800] - Wrong variable name in contenido_include()

** Improvement
* [CON-510] - Return of rendered code in cHTML classes by calling their object as string
* [CON-613] - The error pages should return actual HTTP error codes instead of 200

** New Feature
* [CON-476] - Extend setup checks with maximum PHP version support
* [CON-562] - Display template description on all configuration views
* [CON-567] - Support for PNG transparency in scaling feature

Release 4.8.17
** Bug
* [CON-334] - Generic DB does not handle NOT NULL fields
* [CON-784] - conHtmlSpecialChars_decode is not declared
* [CON-788] - Wrong/Incomplete translations
* [CON-789] - Multiple slashes in created config files
* [CON-790] - Usage of conHtmlSpecialChars in EditArea compressor
* [CON-791] - EditArea may not have write permissions.
* [CON-795] - Normalize usage of class names for cHTMLDiv, cHTMLSpan and PHPMailer
* [CON-796] - Add feature to load case insensitive class name files to autoloader
* [CON-798] - Creating default object from empty value in file management

** New Feature
* [CON-335] - Autoloader for contenido classes

** Task
* [CON-389] - Updates of localization

Release 4.8.16
** Bug
* [CON-266] - Upgrade/Migration not possible without xmlwriter extension
* [CON-357] - You can't use two instances of CMS-FILELIST within same article
* [CON-358] - CMS_TEASER: no output if sort by publisheddate is selected
* [CON-362] - Custom file extensions in CMS_FILELIST are ignored
* [CON-365] - Only logins are logged in administration->logs
* [CON-366] - class.update.notifier.php throws multiple fopen errors
* [CON-369] - Wrong datatype for in_array haystack in linkchecker
* [CON-372] - Limited check period of update notifier is displayed wrong in backend settings page when set under 60 minutes
* [CON-373] - Multiple replacements of title tags
* [CON-375] - purgetools: cleaning only one client causes Illegal Call
* [CON-378] - Error while trying to get the frontend path of a non existing client in backend header
* [CON-380] - MySQL 5.5 is not supported due to deprecated CREATE TABLE syntax
* [CON-386] - Redirections in front_content.php are not forced with exit
* [CON-391] - CMS_DATE error after Update to 4.8.14
* [CON-392] - Article Timeschedule problem in Release: 4.8.12
* [CON-399] - Wrong condition in Contenido_Url::parse() function
* [CON-402] - Groupname shown for frontenduser are broken with german umlaute
* [CON-405] - FEUser-Plugins valide_to and valide_from saving wrong time
* [CON-406] - TinyMCE: Idart is missing in url using anchor-feature of TinyMCE
* [CON-413] - Item class method loadBy() does not find filtered id values
* [CON-414] - Not workings links and not filled template variable in backend statistic
* [CON-421] - Users can be added without password
* [CON-423] - Empty array breaks SQL query for content allocation matching
* [CON-445] - Calling system overview in BE may throw a db connect error
* [CON-446] - Linkchecker whitelist works not correct
* [CON-451] - Deleting upload item doesn't deletes entries in upload meta table
* [CON-452] - class.request.php transforms arrays to NULL values as of PHP 5.3.0
* [CON-453] - Multiple categories switch on/off if one category is toggled
* [CON-454] - Special characters in files can cause duplication of entries in con_upl
* [CON-463] - Searching for article ID 0 leads into display error
* [CON-464] - Removal of upgrade error log display
* [CON-470] - Ampersand is displayed wrong in category creation
* [CON-497] - Multple tab selection on dashboard links
* [CON-523] - Special characters in Content Allocation
* [CON-716] - Wrong item reference after calling createNewItem(), select() and next() of ItemCollection
* [CON-756] - Adapt setup to MySQL 5.5

** Improvement
* [CON-251] - Checking write permissions in cms-folder during migration setup
* [CON-332] - Old password is overwritten with new one using password-request
* [CON-376] - Display error message on database connection failure
* [CON-379] - Info in backend home is missing when no clients are available for dropdown box
* [CON-382] - Remove integration of old unspported java module editor
* [CON-387] - Provide error message on database failures
* [CON-403] - Show info in dashboard if maintenance is active
* [CON-430] - Change default definition for path and url configuration
* [CON-482] - Extend memory_limit check in setup process to 32M
* [CON-506] - Remove own inuse-entries in editor for current object
* [CON-507] - Include config.local.php and config.after.php also in dbfs.php
* [CON-519] - Limit the year selection to current year in log view

** New Feature
* [CON-361] - Check permission for FE-User in Navigation_Meta

** Task
* [CON-360] - Identify the "inuse"-tabledata as a title by Itemname
* [CON-394] - Check setting include_path configuration for PEAR
* [CON-479] - Footnotes in english demo client are not translated
* [CON-780] - Add support for PHP 5.4 installations

Release 4.8.15
** Bug
* [CON-390] - Security Issue in all cronjobs

Release 4.8.14
** Bug
* [CON-305] - Initialization of global $encodinmg could fail
* [CON-319] - Info for can't write a upload in directory
* [CON-340] - TinyMCE wraps table in a p-tag
* [CON-343] - Teaser Right Modul has no content
* [CON-345] - Invalid TinyMCE option for inline editor
* [CON-346] - Plugin inclusion causes a PHP warning
* [CON-349] - markSubMenuItem not working in dualframe
* [CON-350] - Missing resource check for fsockopen stream in update notifier
* [CON-351] - Fixed XSS Security Issue
* [CON-352] - No copy label per default when copying articles or categories

** Improvement
* [CON-322] - scan and save only in BE (for FE performance & security)

** New Feature
* [CON-342] - New defalut File for SubNavi for Frame 3 (right-top)
* [CON-353] - Added Inuse Information for Layouts, Modules and Templates

Release 4.8.13
** Bug
* [CON-249] - Bug in Contenido_FrontendNavigation::isActiveChild
* [CON-250] - Changing template to none not working right under Artikel->Kategorie bearbeiten
* [CON-252] - Missing german umlaut � in function capiStrReplaceDiacritics
* [CON-254] - Tinymce does not support ancor links
* [CON-255] - Tiny does not store content, which cointains plain "|" character
* [CON-256] - The usage of CEC_Hook::execute brings more problems as advantages
* [CON-257] - Tiny MCE generates wrong links for internal file ressources
* [CON-259] - Content Allocation: can't order root-tree
* [CON-261] - wrong db-handling updating categoriealias
* [CON-262] - PHP 5.3: Backend not working (conlib), apache/php stop working caused by mysql_list_fields function
* [CON-263] - javascript error in filemanager (IE 8)
* [CON-264] - Problem with collapsing/expanding categories in WYSIWYG-filebrowser
* [CON-267] - CEC conSyncArticle_AfterInsert has wrong recordset for dest_art_lang
* [CON-268] - Modul RSS_Reader: PHP Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated
* [CON-269] - Missing Doctype in frameset files switching FF in quirks mode
* [CON-272] - Issue at metatag creation from description/keywords containing sing/double quotes
* [CON-274] - PHP >= 5.3: Replacement of deprecated functions (ereg*, split, ?)
* [CON-276] - needless mysql queries in preconfiguration of templates
* [CON-277] - convert Layoutname to integer in Layout::getLayoutID()
* [CON-281] - Header navigation renders anchors with apostrophes
* [CON-282] - Usage of invalid database instance at include.con_str_overview.php
* [CON-286] - TemplateConfig::getPreConfigurationValues() does not work
* [CON-288] - Offline articles are shown in CMS_TEASER
* [CON-289] - Article time management does not work properly when end date is missing
* [CON-292] - Usage of wrong variable in linkchecker plugin (file: include.linkchecker_tests.php, line: 258)
* [CON-293] - Argument in capiStrTrimHard() set hard in function
* [CON-294] - Cache_Lite produces PHP deprecated error
* [CON-295] - TinyMCE lists don't work cause of security fixes
* [CON-303] - SQL-Error with fresh democlient without content
* [CON-304] - Change con_upl.size from varchar(255) in to int(10)
* [CON-307] - Incostistent usage of Contenido_Security and HttpInputValidator
* [CON-309] - Usage of Debug_File generates a PHP warning
* [CON-314] - Remove password maxlength definition at backend login
* [CON-315] - The BE-User must be active to request a password
* [CON-316] - (PHP 5.3) Create new be-user, php-function split is deprecated
* [CON-320] - Typo in module "Contact_Form"
* [CON-323] - No modulexport with PHP >= 5.3
* [CON-324] - function self_url returns wrong self url under xampp
* [CON-325] - After delete of a layout next click of another layout will delete this too
* [CON-329] - No check for writepermissions of temp-folder during setup
* [CON-330] - Layouts and templates can be saved with empty name
* [CON-333] - Session ID gets lost when deleting folders or files
* [CON-337] - Column "lastmodified" in con_mod is not updated

** Improvement
* [CON-284] - Check of write permissions for contenido/cache/
* [CON-287] - Changed behavior of moving a category
* [CON-291] - Extend Contenido Extension Chainer (CEC)
* [CON-296] - Added frontend url to client name
* [CON-297] - Don't list inactive sysadmin in dashboard
* [CON-298] - Reduction of database queries for category tree in "Content -> articles"
* [CON-299] - Generation of con_cat_tree should only use 1 INSERT statemant
* [CON-300] - Modify conlib/local.php to allow only one database connection through class DB_Contenido
* [CON-302] - Remove deprecated variables/methods from "contenido/classes/class.template.php"
* [CON-311] - Update of external Components
* [CON-312] - Update of Content Type CMS_TEASER
* [CON-317] - Add rightsmanagement to purgetool
* [CON-318] - nonrelevant actions can be choosed in administration-logs
* [CON-326] - Translation for new "layout deleted" notification
* [CON-328] - FE:Plugin: Add english translation and headerdata in "valid_from" and "valid_to"

** New Feature
* [CON-258] - languagecode & countrycode for Language
* [CON-285] - Added new content type "CMS_FILELIST"
* [CON-308] - Add iso-639-1- & iso-3166-selecter for languages
* [CON-313] - Added Prune Tools

** Task
* [CON-253] - Checking for write permissions of cronjob jobfiles
Could I help you... you can help me... buy me a coffee . (vielen ❤ Dank an: Seelauer, Peanut, fauxxami ) - HighSpeed Hosting, Domains, DomainReselling, Linux-Administration - App-Programierung, High-Performance-Webpages, MicroServices, API-Anbindungen & Erstellung

Software... ein Blick wert: GoogleCalender Eventlist, xst_dynamic_contentType

Beiträge: 1920
Registriert: Sa 8. Sep 2007, 16:23
Wohnort: Brandenburg

Re: PHP5.6 Problem functions.mod_rewrite

Beitrag von Faar » Di 12. Apr 2016, 09:34

Was scheints noch keiner explizit anmerkte: Beim Wechsel auf 4.20 befindet sich das AMR nicht mehr im Bereich Content, sondern in Extras.
Daher muss man vorher das bisherige AMR abschalten und deinstallieren und danach erst updaten.
Das .htaccess kann bleiben wie es ist.
Fliegt der Bauer übers Dach, ist der Wind weißgott nicht schwach.

Beiträge: 4257
Registriert: Do 30. Jun 2005, 22:56
Wohnort: Eltmann, Unterfranken, Bayern

Re: PHP5.6 Problem functions.mod_rewrite

Beitrag von Oldperl » Di 12. Apr 2016, 12:51

@Faar: "Thumbs up" (in Ermangelung eines entsprechenden Smilies) :wink:

sarronsarron hat geschrieben:habe im Moment 4.8.18 installiert. Ist der Bug dann bei 4.8.20 weg?
rethus hat geschrieben:XSS- Sicherheitslücken in 4.8.12:
Wobei, wenn man sich dann diese "exploits" mal durchliest wohl offensichtlich beide den gleichen Bereich, nämlich das Kontaktformular (Modul), betreffen, welches bei einem Update dann halt mal nicht automatisch upgedatet wird, so das der Exploit zumeist auch nach dem Update noch funktioniert (sofern man überhaupt das Standard-Modul nutzt). Auch haut man sich solche XXS-Lücken dann oft selbst mit individuellen Modulen und Plugins beim Erstellen der Seite rein.

Die einzige wirklich relevante Sicherheitslücke gibt/gab es bei, bzw. vor, 4.8.15 bei den Cronjobs.

Und um nochmal zum eigentlichen Thema zu kommen, der hier im Eröffnungsposting angegebene "Bug" wurde wohl in 4.8.19 gefixt
[CON-1389] - Remove usage of deprecated preg_replace modifier /e
Gruß aus Franken

ConLite 2.1, alternatives und stabiles Update von Contenido 4.8.x unter PHP 7.x - Download und Repo auf
phpBO Search Advanced - das Suchwort-Plugin für CONTENIDO 4.9
Mein Entwickler-Blog
