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Great forum with easy install

Verfasst: Di 3. Feb 2004, 19:20
von mikamedia

I found a great forum which is very easy to install. You don't even need webgrab for this. There is a version with or without MySQL.

1. Download EZS Forum Manager from

2. upload the forum folder into your /cms folder

3. chmod a few files to 777 (see readme)

4. make a new module and put a simple output code:


5. go to admin.php and login (see readme)

6. within admin set the following parameter


Relative path: /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/

Relative string: front_content.php?idcat=$idcat&page=forum&

That's it. Should work now.
Shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to install !

- if you don't set the relative path, you will get a PHP error (openbase dir)
- if you save the relative string, the $idcat will dissapear from the config page, but it is still saved, don't worry!
- secure your admin pages in /cms/forum/admin

Good luck :)

~ john

Verfasst: Sa 27. Mär 2004, 19:09
von rossi
i´ve tried hard to install it, but i can´t find to activate "post topic" and i can´t reply.....

for a look:

greets - rossi

Verfasst: Fr 2. Apr 2004, 07:53
von hubert
I've the a similar problem. I cannot post a topic but I can reply as a normal user. But I can make new topics in the admin-tool (as an admin!).

Verfasst: Fr 2. Apr 2004, 07:54
von hubert
I've the a similar problem. I cannot post a topic but I can reply as a normal user. But I can make new topics in the admin-tool (as an admin!).

Verfasst: Fr 2. Apr 2004, 08:03
von rossi
servus hubert, dieses modul dürfte keiner verwenden, deshalb kann man ruhig zitieren: kein schw... ruft miiiiiich aaaaaaan, keiner interessiert sich für den schmoarrn....

lg rossi :D

Verfasst: Fr 2. Apr 2004, 10:57
von Dennis
schon mal gekuckt ob chmod richtig gesetzt ist?

Verfasst: Fr 2. Apr 2004, 18:18
von hubert
chmod-Rechte sind total offen (777)!


Verfasst: So 4. Apr 2004, 10:51
von rossi
kann diese datei nicht auf meine webspace ftp´n. kommt immer 553 Permission denied. kann es daran liegen?